Woman in Islam

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2008 | | |

In many societies, a women is still regarded as second class citizen and deprived of various basic rights enjoyed by the male population.Deeply resenting this discrimination, they have championed a faith to obtain for themselves an equal status which unfortunately to date eludes them in the more modern Westeren states.Whereas the pendulum has swung to the extremes and has opened the way to licentiousness in the modern society, the West has often regarded Islamic woman as being backward in a male - dominated world.

On the contrary Islam was the first religion formally to grant the women a status never known before.The Holy Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam , contains hundreds of teachings, which apply both to men and women alike. The moral, spiritual and economic equality of men and women as propagated by Islam is unquestionable. The specific verses of The Holy Qur'an, which address themselves to men or women, deal with either their physical differences or the role they each have to play in safeguarding the moral fibre of the society Islam envisages.

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